Looking for a CD / SACD player. Also, tell me about Esoteric

Budget is $10k.

I want something that plays SACDs as well as redbook.

Must have US service available.

I mention Esoteric as they appear to be one of the few still pushing the envelope as well as supporting SACD in this price range.


eudisiam woefully inaccurate is a car a car? so by your reasoning  a Ferrarri and a pinto are the same

a 1200 Marantz vs a 10k esoteric you are going to hear a considerable difference as long as your system has good resolution.


why? superior design: power supplies, superior dac, better data read via superior drive 


Dave and Troy

Audio intellect NJ

esoteric dealer

Take a look at this and possibly a high end "used" CD/SACD player. You can use your current DAC.  



There are cheaper ones out there

"op we have a great esoteric trade in ne owner low hours"


Dude, put some better pics up...I wouldn't post an old hubcap with those pics.