Looking for a good small subwoofer...

A friend bought two smallish horn speakers, wants to beef up the bass with a pair of small subs, (preferably piano black) with built in amps and active crossovers to send line-level high-pass signal back to his EL84 class-A amp to the main  speakers.
These aren't going to get super loud, just fill in some low bass.

Any ideas?



Showing 1 response by tweak1

GoldenEar ForceField 30 - 8" Compact Subwoofer - Black $900.00 Add to Cart GoldenEar ForceField 40 - 10" Compact Subwoofer - Black $1,200.00

This combination of art, science, and scoping out the competition is one big reason they have been able to consistently produce so many award-winning products, including mammoth subwoofers, over the years.

Excellent review in Stereophile
