Looking for a McIntosh amp that gives a great example of the “McIntosh Sound”

What is a good vintage or newer amp that has that “McIntosh sound” everyone loves.  My budget is $3k and I want to stay solid state.  I don’t want to debate McIntosh, I am looking specifically for McIntosh.  The amp will be powering JM Lab Mini Utopias.



Surely you jest.  In case you really don't know, the sound is a little warm with gorgeous tone and a richness to the sound.

@stereo5 Actually up here in Vermont there was only one shop that sold McIntosh (before they closed shop).  I was there speaker shopping and I went to listen to a pair of Dynaudios and they were being powered by a MC275 as I remember, and a pre I don't recall.

In my Boston life I visited Tweeter and Audio Lab and another shop in Cambridge but just don't recall hearing any Macs.  

Even though we have never met, I have read a thousand of your posts over the years, and am wishing you the best news later in the week, my friend.  



Thank you for the kind words.  I read all of your posts as well.  I am holding my breath waiting for the results, the wait is intolerable.

In addition to my McIntosh headphone amp, I have two McIntosh amps in my main system — an MC 8207 (solid state) and a MC 275 (tubes).  I”ll bet that any McIntosh amp you acquire, in good shape, will make you happy.  I would look for the best deal you can find within your budget and go for it, provided your speakers have efficiency that matches its output.  Just FYI, I have very efficient speakers, I listen to music at about 80 dB, and most everything draws less than 5 watts!  Enjoy!

As a retired Mac dealer, I had the priviege of having a pretty big "toy box" of Mac gear to play with.  My current set up consists of C47/MC152.  If you're able/willing to stretch the budget a tad for a good used piece, the MC352 will provide 3db more headroom which is quite audible during demanding passages.  I've heard these 2 amps (and, others) in the same room with the same system and the MC352 is very special.  But, don't feel like you're settling for 2nd best with the MC152.  You'll get the "Mac sound" you're looking for in a smaller, lower cost, and more physcally manageable package.