Looking for a phono preamp that has volume control. I've gone digital
and sold my preamp. I don't want to convert the analog to digital and
play it thru my DAC. And I miss my records. So I'm looking suggestions,
preferably tube phono preamp with volume control.
When we came out with our preamps, they were meant then and still are today as stand-alone phono reproducers. To that end they have a phono section, a volume control and otherwise the minimum amount of stuff so that they can drive a balanced interconnect to the amp.
But because they can do all this, they also work great with digital sources as all that is needed is the input on the back and a switch to go between phono and the other sources. So I really don't get the question here as many preamps are set up in just exactly this manner, unless its to eliminate the line section of the preamp to get more transparency.
So here are the functions of a line stage:1) provide and needed gain2) select inputs3) provide volume and balance control4) control the interconnect between the line stage and the amplifier
Of these, its 4) that is the least understood, even by preamp designers. If you've heard differences between interconnect cables then you know what I'm talking about here- preventing the cable from making or breaking the system is a pretty important function as its much easier to make the system be neutral and more transparent if this is done.