Looking for a pre amp

My system is primarily for HT/gaming, but I've been finding myself listening to more and more music lately. Set up is:

JTR 212 RTs
Dual Rythmik G25s
Marantz 8805
Krell Chorus 5200
BS Node 2i

I'm looking to improve my 2 Channel, and don't want to go w/ monoblocks...yet. So, I think my next option is adding a dedicated pre. I was considering the McIntosh C2600, but that seems like overkill for my usage. I'm leaning towards getting an Anthem STR pre amp - heard it once and enjoyed it. Thoughts on this? I don't listen super loud right now (moving in 4-6 months) and I'm primarily punk/hip hop/rock.

Regardless, what pre's do you guys recommend? Budget is ideally $3-4K max. Thanks in advance!
Modwright LS100 is in your price range and has HTBP. I use it in my mixed 2 channel / HT setup. I've heard the Anthem integrated a few times and really liked it. I don't think you'd regret buying the Anthem. Either will be an improvement over the Marantz.
@big_greg will look at that one now - I guess I should have mentioned I'm also looking for XLR inputs on it. 
@big_greg actually looks like that one does have XLR. sweet. will read some reviews. I can do the anthem I home trial as well, so maybe ill a/b them 
at this point, im not even sure I fully understand the difference (LOL) or if it will matter for my usage