Looking for a SS integrated Amplifier recommendation going into a new system

While waiting for a new speaker delivery, I have some time to start looking for a SS integrated amplifier, and hoping for some recommendations.

The speaker to pair with is Ascend Acoustics Sierra Tower with RAAL tweeter option that is around 91dB efficient, and the room size is 12x18x8.  I mostly listen to classical, jazz, female vocal, and the listening level normally is around 85dB, occasionally go up to 90dB.

I originally was looking for class-A integrated amplifier, but now would like to open the possibility to class-A/B as well to see what will be a good match for this new system I am putting together.


I will have a chance to do home audition for Luxman 590AXii early next month



I got one of the two amps here, a Luxman L509X, and just have it connected earlier tonight.  The initial impression is very positive, but there are going to be some additional changes/tweaks I need to do to the setup over the next several days, but I really like what the Luxman is presenting.  I am still trying to get the 590AXii here to compare, but it will be a bit of delay until early Jan-2022.


All this gear is great but room acoustics will make or break any system. I have owned 

Interesting comment. May I ask if you went through some of these *before* factoring in room acoustics? My greatest (audiophile) fear is that I flip gear bc I haven't done enough to deal with the room, first. 




The Luxman L-509X operates in Pure Class A for the first 6 watts (8ohm load) before going into AB to rated output.

The Luxman L-590AXII is Pure Class A for 30watts, but it too transitions to AB to its maximum output.

I confirmed this via email correspondence with Luxman USA.