Looking for a used AUDIOPHILE AV Receiver

I am in the market to purchase a used audiophile AV Receiver. Price range maximum $800 for a used unit, the less the better.

The most important factor is the audiophile sound quality, sheer musicality that the unit provides, not the features. It should also have HDMI 1.4 at least and also Speaker A/B switch would be a good option as I have 2 different pair of speakers in the front, one for HT (Definitive Technologie BP 7006) and the other for music Magnepan MMG.    

I know some brands like: NAD, ARCAM, ANTHEM, MARANTZ making good audiophile AV Receivers.

What would be the best option for a used unit?

Thanks for any advice.


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Why is the Op looking for a used receiver?  I advise people to buy used all of the time and I am using a used Pioneer Elite AVR, but for for $800 these days you can get a pretty good sounding new AVR
I assume that you already purchased a used receiver but I'm actually selling an Anthem MRX700 which was their top of the line in that series. I think Anthem has a great sounding receiver and I went with them again when I upgraded recently.
almost certainly, avrs depreciate in value more and quicker than any other component--you'll routinely see former totl units listed on craigslist or wherever for a fraction of their multi-grand orignal srp. i think buying used is the smart way to go and $800 should get the op a monster
There is a Magnum Dynalab MD208 for sale in the classifieds selling for 1250.00  It has a 100wpc amplifier and a first rate tuner.  It sold new for 2500.00.  I would think it is much better then the mass market AVR.