Looking for Almost Full Range Speakers

Suggestions would be helpful in the Used less than $3500 price range with the following:

1. no leanness- (weighty and full required)
2. no upper roll off- crisp, clear, crystalline, clean top end both Highs and Mids- a very "live" sound and presence
3. detailed mids/ midbass w/ presence
4. slam, weight-impact in low end down to at least 30hz - but the lower the better
5. transparent and resolved
6. can be satisfying at low or moderatly high volmes
7. around 100 lbs per speaker- my back won't take much more

room is 12X18X8 rectangular and stuffed family room
musical preferences: classic jazz, r&b. Speakers are to be used with a solid state integrated at 160 watts into 8 ohms and with tubed sources. Lots of choices in the classifieds- Hyperion, Tyler, Von Schweikert, Thiel, Dali, Acoutic Zen, Dynaudio, Selah?
Won't get to audition- help with a short list would be great.
What about the Def Tech Mythos ST's? $4K new (retail) and go to like 14 Hz and will do 110+dB's with low powered amps? I think you should go listen to them, they are a true giant killer.
How about PBN Audio's Montana SPI's? These have replaced Peter's SP3s that were very highly regarded. The Montana speakers are very easy to drive and have excellent bass. Your stated desires describe the Montana speakers to a tee.
Since you mentioned Selah, how about the ssr full rangers that are for sale right now on agon for $1500?
I went from forests to adagios...for me the adagios are a better choice,the forests sound perfect for what you are describing.Look no further,clarity is there strong point.
Thanks guys. Analogtroll, - I've always been intrigued with Montana speakers but as I said in my post I'm talking about a USED price under $3500. I don't see any way to get SPI's in that $range.