Looking for amplifier kits.

A friend of mine is looking for amplifier kits (I'm not there yet). He found NAD and Levinson but is looking for a lower cost kit. Has anyone found an entry level kit that is tolerable for an audiophile or, better yet, a steal out there--a gem--a diamond in the rough? Lynne

Showing 2 responses by mmarvin19

Jt - The last thing I built was with an Erector set when I was 8 years old. I screwed it up so badly that I've never attempted to build again. I let the pros do it. My concept of audio DIY is operating a remote badly.

Audio Sector is Mr. Peter Daniels who has an A++ reputation for his affordable DAC kits. About 3 months ago I was shopping for a USB DAC and wanted to get an Audio Sector pre-built, but there was a 3 month waiting list. I have never heard one of his amps, but I'm willing to bet that they sound great for the price.