Looking for an all-in-one just-add-speakers streamer for my son to take to college

Cambridge Audio Evo 75 is probably the top of the range, but maybe a BlueSound Powernode is good enough? Maybe there is something cheaper that fits the bill?

My son is not (yet) an audiophile, so sufficient volume may be the most important, but interested in any thoughts folks have on this topic.


Squarely in the "budget" camp... if they are musically inclined, get them a nice harmonica. If not, a kazoo.

Or, splurge on one of these:


Audiofactory has occasional sales at 15% off.

One thing to ask is whether he will be in a dorm or in an apartment? If in a dorm, I’d opt for the cheapest option discussed here - maybe the Bluesound Edge or Powernode (or even cheaper, one of those class-D streamer/amps by Arylic). My reasoning is that if you get him something "too good" or "too expensive and flashy" looking, it is very likely to be stolen if in a dorm room.

Been there, done that. Won’t do it again. Unless you consider $1200 "disposable chump change", it is worth considering.

Easy... I highly recommend the Cabasse Reilto.  Spectacular in a small package that will fill a shockingly large space and play college LOUD.  Stream from your phone and your done!