Looking for best bookshelf speakers

I’m looking for some nice bookshelf speakers. Budget around 400$ and under. I was watching some review videos and was intrigued with the Mackie MR524 I heard it was a great low volume speaker. Since my family complains about the volume of my speakers i thought this would be a good solution. Are these still the best low volume speakers? they where released back in 2017. Also i heard the best speakers in my price range was the Adam T5V, are these good at low volume too? Is there anything else out there that i should consider? Need powered speakers. Thanks for any help.
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The thing i like about the Mackie MR524 is how you can hear them well at low volume. and thats the thing that bugs me about speakers is you gotta turn them up to hear the best quality sound. Check out Zeos review of these speakers and how they sound:


But im passing up the Adam T5V for these. and is it worth it? Is the low volume performance that good? does the T5v sound good on low volume too? cause if they did like the MR524 i'd buy those np. Am i being a dope about this?

BTW im gonna be pluging these into a headphone amp. So they need to be powered.
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The original Fritz Carrera Be is the best low volume speaker I have heard. You get a really great soundstage, defined bass, tonality, and very realistic high frequency due to the Be tweeter/ but man it’s smooth (no fatigue). On top of that you can power it with almost any amp and get really great results.