Looking for CD player with volume control?

I will have to part with (sell) my Cayin CD player, a very nice unit especially if you have a Cayin amp. I have an all-Cayin sytem (integrated, tuner, cd player, what can I say, love the brand)) and I wish to use my direct input on the integrated amp to bypass the preamp.

I once owned the Shanling T-100 that had a volume control, but I wish to try something else.

Do you know of a player with adjustable volume on the output?


Showing 1 response by bigkidz

The Opus 21 is a very mice CDP with volume control but it requires a good power cord. The Wadia 861 was a better sounding unit with the stock power cord. The Shanling was just OK compared to these units. I also had a completely modified Shanling and it was not as good as using a few of the $2000 list price DACs. My suggestion is to try an APL or Modwright modified CDP that someone else invested in and is letting it go cheap. You can always resell. I have found that the modifed units can really up the sonics of your system over most stock CDPs that I have heard.

Happy Listening.