Looking for CD player

I have $1500.00 to spend on the best CD player I can buy. I would like suggestions on what I should start to look at.

Showing 2 responses by fuzztone

If you want anywhere be near "the" best you need seperates. Start with a DAC you like.
I recommend the RME ADI 2 and the Cambridge CXC at your budget. Shop around you can find them both for $1500.
I’m listening to seperates right now - amazing.
Better than Qobuz on 5 diff streamers or LPs on 7 diff carts. To me.
I had a NAD. It sounded OK but the auto turn off sucked. Sold it. 
Current seperates sound much much better.
Anyone who thinks all sound the same can't hear the difference. If you don't just buy a used DVD player for $30.