Looking for great tube integrated for Martin Logan Summit X speakers

I've had upgrade fever every since I added bass traps and acoustic panels to my listening room and wondered why I didn't do that years ago.  So I've decided to change my Plinius Hautonga integrated and make the plunge to tubes. I want that sound, and the thought of tube rolling appeals to me.  I was leaning toward the Primaluna Dialogue HP integrated, but after doing more reading, I'm concerned that it won't have adequate power due to the Summit's impedance needs.  I'm admittedly a novice with tubes, so seeking help from the forum.   My room is about 12x15, with the area behind my listening position open for an additional eight feet.  I don't listen at high volumes at all, and my favorite music is female jazz, smooth jazz, Nora Jones type vocals.  Music comes from SACDs and Tidal exclusively - I have no analogue gear.

The rest of my gear:
  • Gustard x20u DAC modified by Rick Schultz
  • Oppo 103D for SACDs modified by Rick Schultz
  • Bryston BDP-1 music streamer
Will I be happy with the Primaluna, or do you have other suggestions in the $5,000 range?  Or should I stay away from tubes for these speakers?

Appreciate your opinions!

Not sure where you live but worth trying to find a dealer that either has your speakers in their shop or will let you home demo the amp.  I owned ML Monolith IIIx for 15 years, different from the Summit but similar in that the woofer is driven by a separate amp.  I used tubed amps on the panels and they have the same challenges as the Summit panels.  ARC D125 which had rated power of 110 watts per channel into 16 ohms (obviously way less into the panel) and then VAC PA160III monoblocs which I generally ran triode so 60-80 watts per side depending on output tube.  Both of these amps had more than enough power to drive the panels in a room that is 12x25 with a cathedral ceiling.  As for tube rolling, it's fun but can be distracting.  Since sold the MLs and went with a BAT VK3000SE integrated, tube input and SS output.  Works well with my current speakers and I just enjoy the music.  Have fun with the speakers, I do miss the air those panels can move!
I strongly suggest you reconsider whether you really must have a tube integrated amplifier. I suggest you instead consider either A) a used Innersound Electrostatic Amplifier (yes, there really was an amplifier with that name), B) a CODA amplifier, with similar capabilities or C) one of Roger Sanders Magnatech amplifiers (look for Sanders Sound Systems website). Any of these amplifiers will transform your experience with the Martin Logans. 
Here's what Harry Pearson wrote about the Innersound: The Absolute Sound, August 2000, Harry Pearson, reviewer
Editor's Choice: Mid-Year Edition

I'm not about to steal my own thunder here, I hope, by letting you in on a secret. InnerSound's new solid-state amplifier, designed specifically to drive the weird loads posed by electrostatic speakers, brings out a degree of performance - and loudness - I never expected to get from the Quads. With the assistance of a Carver subwoofer (rolled off above 40 Hz), I managed to play the entirety of the soundtrack from "Gladiator" without so much as a blown fuse and, in Music Room 2, with enough volume to replicate the movie's dramatic effect. Not only did I get greater dynamic range from the speaker, but seemingly wider frequency response as well.  

Sans woofer, the Quads went deeper into the bass (they held up into the 40 Hz region) than I'd heard. And at the other end of the spectrum, they reached higher more comfortably. I believe in an ordinary (no, not large) room, like No. 2, I could, with the exception of certain Telarc Kunzel potboilers, play almost any composition of musical interest at something approaching a concert-hall dynamic range, especially with the Carver sub thrown in for reinforcement of the bottom octave (below 40 Hz).

Given the peculiar nature of an electrostatic load, sez the well-written explanation (for a look-see, check out the website www.innersound.net/eslamp.htm), such an amp must produce not only voltage, but prodigious amounts of current as well. And check out the claim that the InnerSound "can deliver a staggering 135 amps of current with a combined power rating of 4500 watts per channel." And "it can drive loads below one ohm without damaging its output transistors." And "since it has so much voltage and current capability that it never clips, it doesn't exhibit any transistor sound." From my limited experience, thus far, with the system, I can attest to the seeming lack of any high-frequency clipping with the Quads, which gives the speaker a top-end airiness and openness I've never heard from them before.

I wish we had more electrostatics on hand to assess the befores and afters of the InnerSound mating. But we only have the Dutch Audiostatic panels, which we can't get the company to take back, and these are severely limited in terms of their excursive abilities, and even with the InnerSound, can't be played to anywhere near soul-satisfying loudness. Yep, they played better and with a stitch more volume and with some of the most perfectly "pure" sound you'll ever hear, but not on any music I'd care to live with, long haul. We also tried, in preliminary evaluations, the InnerSound with normal speakers, and found them neutral, wideband reproducers, minus most, if not all, solid state artifacts. Perhaps they are not - and only further listening will tell for sure - as exquisitely and honestly musical as the Danish Gamut amp, but running sans electrostats, they are lovely and musically satisfying. (Consider this a sneak preview and forgive the lack of detailed commentary - that will be coming.)

For some unknown reason, I’m focused on tubes. I called Kevin and Upscale Audio and he talked me into ordering a Dialogue HP Integrated which arrives Tuesday. he also offered me $2500 for my Plinius Hautonga integrated, which seems fair. He said at my listening levels and room size, the HP will be perfect.  I will try the PL HP for a few weeks before I decide. I do understand the impedance issue, but maybe at 65 I cant hear those frequencies anyway. :) I read on their website that Martin Logan used PL amps at a few shows a few years back, so maybe they will be what I want. If not, I’ll send it back and keep my Plinius and investigate something like the BAT VK3000SE or similar. I know the best option is probably to have a tube preamp and SS amp or mono blocks but not in my budget to go separates. I could get the PL preamp and use the Plinius amp by hooking up to the HT input until I can afford a better amp...Hmmm? What do you guys think about that?


Steve -
There's nothing wrong with tubes, but I commend to your attention Roger Sanders' excellent white paper on "tubes vs. solid state" which can be found on the sanders sound systems website. I found it to be very helpful in understanding why some folks insist on tubes while others prefer solid state.
All I can say is "WE TRIED" and the sales pitch won out.

Cheers George