Dear @dave_b : In audio world nothing is perfect, always exist different kind of trade-offs.
A room/system quality sound reproduction levels has a direct relationship to the choosed trade-offs by each one of us.
So as better choosed trade-offs as better the room/system quality sound reproduction levels.
The best way to be " near " to that perfection is to mantain the room/systems developed distortions ( every kind of distortions/noises etc. ) at minimum. That’s all and yes that’s exactly what I learned to do and more important how to detect those distortions and when is possible how to fix it.
Rigth now am I chasing distortions?, not really. What I’m doing is listening to reproduced MUSIC through my room/system.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
A room/system quality sound reproduction levels has a direct relationship to the choosed trade-offs by each one of us.
So as better choosed trade-offs as better the room/system quality sound reproduction levels.
The best way to be " near " to that perfection is to mantain the room/systems developed distortions ( every kind of distortions/noises etc. ) at minimum. That’s all and yes that’s exactly what I learned to do and more important how to detect those distortions and when is possible how to fix it.
Rigth now am I chasing distortions?, not really. What I’m doing is listening to reproduced MUSIC through my room/system.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,