Looking for opinions on Tannoy Prestige line.

I have been looking around at the Tannoy Prestige line. I was curious about how these compare to more modern designs. I am a little burnt out on "hi-fi" and I am having an "enjoy the music" moment. I demoed a few pairs of Tannoys when I first got into audio and I remember liking them pretty well but it has been awhile scene I have heard them. I would be looking at the Kensington SE (and down) or either of the Glenair models. I do not have room or budget for anything bigger. I would be looking on the used market and have no dealer in my area. I am currently using Thiel CS2.4s.

Do they have much horn coloration? Does the bass have punch (I like hard rock and typical audiophile stuff too). How detailed are they compared to more modern designs?
James, all, I forgot to mention amps. I use three very different amps, depending on my mood, and the music. For chamber music and the like, a modified 10Wpc Sophia Electric "Baby" amp works great. For anything else, a VAC PA 35.35 EL 34 PP, and Plinius SA 100 MKIII, @100Wpc. That's anpther upside of Tannoys, they shine however you use them.
Interesting thread.

The Tannoys often catch my eye. I love the classic styling. Dual concentric drivers are another unique feature of merit for me. I wonder what the larger models with larger drivers sound like with some of the better modern amps? Gotta hear these someday.

More questions than answers, sorry for that, but just nice to share some love or at least infatuation sometimes.
I heard the big Tannoys (Canterburys?) at THE Show a few weeks back on several recommendations.

I own Zu Def2s as a reference---which I still prefer. The Zus seem faster and more lively than the Tannoys, which with Cary electronics sound stunning on Floyd---but didn't hold up for me on other types of music. A bit sluggish and euphonic for my taste. I wouldn't hesitate to use Mcintosh with them though---and a number of folks on the Mac forums use them.

I wouldn't go larger than Kensingtons either---the big ones are really ugly imo.

Good luck,

Mapman sums it up perfectly for me too - "Gotta hear these someday”. Other speakers that similarly intrigue me are those that use the PHY dual concentric drivers. Just wondering if anyone has heard both and could offer a comparison. I hope this isn’t a departure from the spirit of this thread.
I have been a Tannoy lover since discovering them in 1972. I have had 12" Monitor Golds in Altec Santana cabs since 1972,
SRM 15X monitors for a year, (15" HPD, 7cu.ft. cab) and just
received my Canterbury SE's 9 days ago. They have just started to relax and lose any artifacts of glare or harshness. I am using a Primaluna Prologue 5 amp with KT88's,
AVA Super PAS 3i pre with Amperex 12AX7 line tubes and Mullard 12AX7 phono tubes, NAS Interspace/RB250/Grado Gold1,
(well-tweaked), it is glorious and naturally musical. I have
a Robertson 4010 amp and a pair of Bottlehead 300B Paramounts which I have not hooked up to the Canterbury's yet. The 300B's are a little cleaner but challenged on orchestral/choral workhorses. The Primaluna has no neg feedback so is very good.

I value the 15" woofer a great deal, there is no problem at the crossover, and these are very modern speakers.