Looking for phono preamp suggestions

My system 
sme 30/2 with Dynavector 17dx catridge, cardas clear beyond phono cable with xlr termination ,
ayre kx-r twenty preamp ,
ayre mc-r twenty monoblocks 
kef blade speakers 
cardas clear cables for rest of system .
cureently using ayre p-5 Phonostage .
asking for recommendations for upgrading the phono stage .
requirements xlr inputs and outputs.
looking for more depth and separation in sound stage and more sweetness / magic/ romance 
Thanks in advance .

I have been using two phono stages from Whest Audio in England.  I have a customized PS30 RDT SE 2019 and it just blew several other phono stages I had been testing.  It's Single in Balanced out, but James may be able to customize the input if you were interested.  

I would suggest that you read his website customer reviews, there are hundreds and you can get the flavor of what each of these customers had been using prior to buying the Whest preamp, you'll get an idea of how these perform against many other preamps out there.
Agree with slimpikins5-  Whest stages are great. James is easy to work with. Very good VFM and provide a very clean, dynamic insight into what's on the record. I was a Titan Pro user for years but have recently upgraded to the MC Ref V - it's whole new world....
Don Sachs makes and excellent phono stage.  He builds them one at a time.  He is known for repairing vintage tube gear.  I would be willing to bet he would build you a Balanced phono stage.
Thanks everyone for your advices. I have decided on getting a van den hul , the grail Se version .
it seems to meet my requirements the most .Will report on how it sounds in my system soon . 
thank you