Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
Salectric, thanks for sharing. The PF article is an interesting read and Mr. Pacula's take on the WE wire pretty much nails it with regard to what I hear in my system, as I have attempted to describe previously in this thread;
a little warmer with a little less (excessive) bloom in the bass, and a little more up front with vocals. Maybe a little wider and deeper soundstage. Tonal quality is very good. High frequencies sound quite natural. The bass I am hearing is full and has good punch.
a little tonally warmer than the Jupiter, which sounds good tonight but makes me wonder whether the tinning is causing a sort of euphonic warmth
focused on the midrange where they provide a nice tonality, but also good-sounding in the LF or bass, where they have good body but without the bloat some cables allow. In the high frequencies, I find them a touch shelved-down, and maybe even rolled-off, but primarily shelved-down, meaning the HF, while fully present, seems to have lower output compared to the lower frequencies. This sound recalls earlier days when our speakers had large drivers and our systems were musical but not so detailed.
the WE wire has a tonally rich, somewhat relaxed sound with really nice full bass. IMO, it is a musical contrast to some of the ultra resolving wires out there
Mr. Pacula closes by stating
Both IC and speaker cable are remarkable, not the best ones there are, but the only ones of their kind.
which I find similar to my statement
it is nice to be reminded that perfection is not a prerequisite for enjoyment
I initially did not agree with Mr. Pacula's take on the bass from the WE wire, which he described as having
"limited frequency range on both ends (treble and bass)"
That caused me to reevaluate why I like the bass from the WE wire so much in my system, and why my other wires comparatively cause "excessive bloom" on some material. It may be that, since my HT wires are known for extended bass, those wires overly drive the very low frequencies of my Aerial 9's, which are rated down to about 30Hz and about -6dB at 27Hz. It is also likely that I have not noticed an absence in low bass extension because, in my system, the lowest frequencies are handled by an Aerial SW12 sub. The sub is wired directly to my preamp using ICs, so it would not be affected by the WE SCs. Therefore, if the WE wires do have a slightly "limited frequency range" in the bass, that characteristic may result in the quality of low bass from my system being actually better overall through the WE wires because they limit the very low frequencies to the main speakers and allow the sub to handle them.

As final thought, it is unfortunate all of you do not have cable conditioning equipment since IME that can greatly reduce the time required before you hear the full capabilities of a cable.
I read that article over at "High Fidelity" a couple of days ago (Pacula's personal review site) and tend to agree with his findings. I say 'tend' as the Supras that I use exhibit most of the qualities he mentions but seem to have a more stable nature with bass (nothing seems rolled off) but the highs do have that 'shelved' quality where it's all there but not 'in your face' which is how I now prefer it.

Some CDs have a simply wonderful high end minus the glare compared to others so I have to say that the 'shelved' quality is probably more an accurate quality since it depends on the material played (how it was recorded). I can't attest to the WE 16ga but the Supras can really shine.

If I had any doubts as to a 'shelved' high end it was laid to rest when watching 'John Wick' on blu-ray. There's a scene where he tears up his basement floor with a sledgehammer and the metallic ring that precedes the concussive bass of the sledge breaking the concrete is quite jarring. After the first blow I had to brace myself for the next few. The highs are there when called for and not one iota more. I like that.

All the best,
I have heard Supra speaker cables in a dealer's demo system which used Western Electric horns and drivers. The system sounded great. I can't say how much the Supras were contributing to what I heard but they were certainly part of it.
I tend to agree with your observations. I ordered a pair of the Supra speaker cables. I need to find out for myself how they fare against the WE. Best, Rob