Looking for recs for my first foray into MC cartridges...

I am hoping to keep my budget around $500.
Existing system includes:
-Garrard 301 turntable 
-Thomas Schick 12" tonearm
-Jolida JD 9 II tube phono stage
-Supratek Chenin Line stage tube preamp
-Cary 200.2 solid state power amp
-KEF r700 loudspeakers
-REL r900 subwoofer

At your price range I would look for a lightly used Shelter 501 or 501 II. Very nice sounding cartridge with reasonable output. A great value lightly used or with a SoundSmith retip.

The Garrard 301 with Schick is a nice combination.
Isn't one of the main reason to get the Schick arm is a desire to mount a heavier cartridge like a Denon 301R (or its modified brethren like the Zu) in your budget or the Ortofon SPU series? Cheers,
Hey Spencer,

yes, I have been considering the Zu Denon DL-103 (not the 103R because I don’t need a boost in treble). The problem is Zu Audio has been sold out of these for some time now.