Looking for speaker recommendations for CJ Premier 11A

Hi all,
   I have been out of the high end audio game for a while but itching to get back in. I am looking to get another CJ premier 11A or newer low output CJ tube amp. I previously had an 11A and a pair of 12A's. They were paired with Thiel 2.3's and I found the  combo ok. I believe if I had a more efficient speaker, it could have sounded much better. Don't get me wrong it sounded great. But us audiophiles are always looking or the next tweak. That said, Looking for recommendations on efficient floorstanding speakers that would would mate well with the Premier 11A. I have a friend who has Legacy SIG III's and they sound good although he is running solid state through them. But looking at the specs, they seem to be a very efficient speaker.

I open to any and all recommendations.

Thanks for reading.



Showing 1 response by donvito101

In a room that small you should keep away from rear ported speakers. A sealed speaker like this Spendor would shine with Conrad-Johnson gear!