Looking for Sub to pair with Dynaudio Confidence 20s

Hi! 20x20 room, looking for subwoofer pairing recommendations; 20x20 room, fair bit of glass with wood floors. Mostly audio, diverse tastes, will also play video/tv via 2 channel set up. Ideally, not a huge sub. Thanks! 


Rogersound Labs was the first company I heard that had a subwoofer back in 1974.

I have a pair of their 10S Speedwoofers and they pair really nice with my towers. I gave the 10S Speedwoofers a try first due to having transmission line design to go lower in a musical fashion.

The 12S Speedwoofer has come out and it is very highly thought of. They are a company that will let you try them out and pay the freight to return [at least they did when I was delivered my pair of 10S]. I didn't send them back.

Thanks all for great input. Given my room, leaning toward the JL E110...
