Looking for the good sounding Pre Amplifier

HI to everyone,
Asking for the advice. This is the third time that I am asking for the advice under different title.
As soon as people read "need quality pre amp for the NAD C275" they just simple ignore title
since the NAD is not "audiophile" amplifier. To me the NAD C275 sound great (maybe it's just me)
but I like the sound. Great dynamics, details, excellent details (CD connected directly to the Amp., but I can't control the volume). Tried with the NAD C165 and Parasound P5 but the sound was congested, no details and one dimensional sound.
Now I am looking for the tube or SS pre amplifier with the great details and clarity.
I was suggested Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE but I need the pre amp. with the REC Out.
I can use either 10 k Ohms fixed input or 100 k Ohms variable input.
I will be using Cardas Clear Light Interconnects.
My budget is $3000.00.
Thank you in advance.

I have no experience with Quicksilver preamps but I have a pair of their Mid Mono amps....they are such a huge bang for the buck it's silly.....built like a tank,  super reliable, fantastic sound.   Mike is a great guy to deal with too.  I can't say enough good things about them.  I bought them after my Classic 2SE but I would put the QS preamp on your short list,  they build great components.

Good idea on tube pre, may I suggest primaluna as starter with prologue series,

Good tube sound and nice build quality and fit under $1500 used .

No one says you would have to stay put on an arrangement. Quite the opposite. Although there are some very nice and able integrated amps and some excellent paths ways to venture down Im not always so quick to go that way for a list of benefits separates offer.

It would also be an enjoyable learning experience when it came time to upgrade the NAD power amp with something that will shine more life into whatever preamp is chosen, and visa versa. It would be a fun learning experience not to mention practical for some listeners. 
Thoebe 2. Owned everything, this is the best under 10k. Great phono, dac is good, not as good as my Exogal Comet plus. Comet one of the best dacs in the world. Watch for great reviews on Thoebe.