Looking for upgrade of Accuphase E-480


I have an Accuphase E-480 with B&W 803D3 speakers and Lumin T2 streamer/DAC. I spent many hours during the last year tuning my system with cables and placement. Although I am very happy with listening to well recorded/mixed tracks, I have got a problem listening to all the other tracks, that don't show an optimal sound image. The high frequencies often are still too present.

Since I have checked everything else (power supply, cables, placement, room etc.) I went to a store comparing the E-480 with other Accuphase Amps on the 803D4 speakers (I brought my cables and streamer). The E-5000 was wider in the mids and a bit smoother in the treble, but still too forward for me. I tried this one at home too.

The E-800 class A integrated amp was very smooth and soft compared to the E-480, but also less clear and detailed what I was missing. It was clear, that my ears wanted more, than my E-480 could bring, but also more than the E-800 and E-5000 could bring. It crossed the border of the integrated amps to the separates.

So I listened to the C-2850 with the A-75 class A amp. It was smooth and detailed, emotional and precise. The sound in the way I was looking for. A whole different league.

Since this is a very heavy, expensive and power consuming solution I want to get sure, if it is the right thing. I can only afford this when I buy used.

So did anybody compare different separate combos for the 803D3, that go in the direction of the C-2850/A-75? And how would you compare different options to the Accuphase? Is there something else I should try?

Please only comment, when you really heard other options on these speakers. The 803D3 are quite difficult to drive.

Thanks for your ideas! :)




The B&W 803D is a forward sounding loudspeaker due to (D) iamond tweeter. 

The Accuphase is a very fine match, although, an E-480 is not powerful enough.

Stick with the C-2850/A-75 combo. Which cables/cords are you currently enjoying?


Happy Listening!

I would look into a better pre like a 3850 and a A70 amp. The better the signal feeding the amp the better. The A75 is the current top stereo amp while the 2850 is not there top offering and a better pre will give you a better sound. Let us know what you end up with.