Looking to get TT

I seeking getting into a first TT and would like help!
My current system is Classe 25 amp, Classe CP-60 pre, Sonic Frontiers SFD-2 D/A, Sonic Fontiers SFT-1 Transprt
and Martin Logan Ascent. My preamp doesn't have phono so I would need phono preamp to hook into my CP-60 so having explained my set and only wanting to spend no mor than $1000 on TT and phono pre can it be done?
Was thinkng going with music hall MMF-5 andCreek OBH-8 as this would be my first TT set up and total cost would be around $700. Is this going to give me many years of good sound? in the future I can go with phono card for my preamp.
I'm curious - if there's a phono card available for your preamp, why aren't you considering this now? Would it really be more expensive, considering that it would save you from having to introduce another set of interconnects? Assuming this is a decently-engineered piece, it would typically have access to a much better power supply - the one already in your audiophile-grade preamplifier - than is case with inexpensive standalone units. Unless you were going for a more premium-quality outboard phonostage, I tend to think the convenience of a built-in can be better suited to the casual vinyl-spinner. And don't worry about not sticking with it: Even a modest vinyl rig can give you a lot of those musical qualities that good records seem to transmit more readily than CD's - and besides, it'll be too much fun to quit... :-)
Zaikesman, Classe has stoped making the Phono card for my preamp so I'm looking for someone that has one for sale. For now what I have done is bought a VPI HW-19JR with the AQ PT-6 arm, Blue Point Speacial and the OBH-8SE pre to get me by for now then down the road I can invest in a better Pre and do some upgrades on the TT. Happy Listening!
Jsawhitlock I think you made the best choice.

This post, 05-29-03: Psychicanimal, has to be the most ludicrous I have read.

Tom I am surprised you can resist a retort. I believe you stay silent so as to not dignify his comments with an answer.

End of line....................
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