Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
Just skimming thru MC's usual pablum, I missed what he said about Greta Thunberg. It's all part of "owning the libs" thru defamation, insults, outright lies, etc. People forget there is a sadistic element.

Hilariously missing the point. The sadistic element is taking advantage of an autistic little girl. The sadistic element is frightening little kids telling them they have no future. The planet will be dead and all of us too in a few years.

You know you've lost the argument when you have to stoop to this. 

The scary part is so many are so dumb and gullible they fall for it. Because if you really do believe the BS, if you really do believe we are all gonna extinct ourselves, then its only logical, by this mad demon logic, that anything and everything you can do to prevent it is okay.

And so you go setting huge fires just to have pictures to show the other gullible people and get them to do even dumber more extreme things. 


That's how search engines like Google get so corrupted and fake you can't even find what you're looking for. Like I know there was a news report on YouTube, a South American country with wildfires that after a police raid they found firefighters were contracted to start the fires. Paid for by global warmists. Who then used pictures of the fires to get Hollywood celebrities to pony up millions to..... pay the firefighters who started the fires!

Way it seems to me, far from being the slam-dunk you all seem to think, this smacks of desperation. The narrative is controlled but the truth is still getting out. People are seeing none of the catastrophes are happening. People are seeing China and India polluting more and more but Greta never wags her finger at them.

The End is always near. The End has failed to come and been moved forward another ten years or so, so many times you'd have to have all intelligence and attention span of a gnat not to notice. 

Scanning the comments, I'd say they know their audience.
Hilariously missing the point. The sadistic element is taking advantage of an autistic little girl. The sadistic element is frightening little kids telling them they have no future. The planet will be dead and all of us too in a few years.
Quite the spin. That little girl figured it out on her own. What are you gonna say next, that the kids at Sandy Hook were just actors and were put up to it?

And you can’t trust google? That says it all right there. It’s an algorithm that keeps topics at the top (from search parameter demands, etc.) so if you want to narrow it down to topics you like, you’ll need to insert words like, crazy conspiracies, right wing nuts, unvetted sources, debunked topics, unqualified science, Qanon, Deep State, black helicopters, men in black, Pizzagate, the boogeyman under your bed, etc.

All the best,

My instance of google works perfectly, when I type child actor a photo of reality tv actor Dumpsterfire appears...
I wonder IF they have a white hot stamper of the lousy music from the 2017 inaugural? You know the one where top talent appeared in droves.....
Wow! Whoa! For a second there I thought he said Hillary. Whew, that was a close one. 🥵
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