It is impossible for us to make a recommendation. There are so many at this level, it will also be system dependent. I myself am thinking about it too, but under $1k. I am sure you have a few cords that you use with your equipment, you could experiment by placing all of them on your power distributor one by one.
There is also an opinion that the cord on the power distributor might be least important, it probably depends.
For now I use Custom Power Cord Company Top Gun from the wall to PS Audio Premier regenerator. It was designed for fron end components but in some sense the regenerator is a fromt end component too. I also heard that some people had great success with Purist Audio Dominus. As for the total neutrality - it's an abstraction.
There is also an opinion that the cord on the power distributor might be least important, it probably depends.
For now I use Custom Power Cord Company Top Gun from the wall to PS Audio Premier regenerator. It was designed for fron end components but in some sense the regenerator is a fromt end component too. I also heard that some people had great success with Purist Audio Dominus. As for the total neutrality - it's an abstraction.