Ls 3/5a sound without the price.....

Looking for small monitor that emulates the classic 3/5...that is very open mid-band,lean bass, and slightly forgiving top end...contemplating Castle,Ruark, and usa made NSM model 5...
Model 5 looks like it might be a good 'poor mans version'. If you can squeeze a little more its sister the Role Audio Kayak looks to fit the bill and then some.
I second the Kans, though the Linnes can drive up the price on these as well. Also, there is a pair of Spendor 1/5s on Audiogon now for $450. I've owned LS3/5as, S3/5as and the 1/5s; the 1/5s aren't quite a LS3/5a but come pretty close and a little more full sounding, being larger.

I've heard Kans and the Spica TC50's, I liked both but preferred the tighter imaging on the Spica's. Both are easy to accommodate in the room. I've seen older Spica's sell for around $250


Your idea about looking at Ruark is a good one. I've owned a pair of Epilogues and they're absolutely wonderful at the price. They're beautifully made, as well.
Nothing sounds like the LS3/5a's! Good news is they can be had used all day long for reasonable prices.