ls possible to make digital audio sound like analog/vinyl

Sam here again and 40 years into the digital age and vinyl cut from analog master tape is still the gold standard of sound quality. Vinyl cut directly from digital is nothing but a vinyl CD unless the digital is transferred to reel to reel tape first and then from reel to reel cut to vinyl. The main difference between digital and vinyl for me is the fact that digital audio sounds like digital audio and i can tell the difference between the two formats in A/B test everytime. l have been interested in frequencies for years now and i believe there is a single frequency that has the ability to erase the digital fingerprint from digital audio and make it sound like the finest analog tape or vinyl cut from analog tape and that frequency is 33 hertz. l cannot explain what it is about the 33 hertz frequency that has such a profound effect on digital music however it makes digital audio reverberate throughout my entire body.

Source: Digital download flac 16/44 The dave brubeck quartet - three to get ready 1959.


33 hertz:
I can’t comment, because I have no scientific knowledge of 33 cycles having such an impact. As for the religious suggestion, that’s just plain silly. Trusting any of the gospels to provide accurate dating, given how much later they were recorded/edited; that there are dozens of gnostic and many other gospels the church deemed pseudoepigraphical makes recovering the historical Jesus very doubtful despite the persistent work of scholars. It is right up there with Bible code worshippers. So 33 years of age is unlikely to be accurate. What is true is that the ancients loved numbers to match their theories, and so changed the numbers rather than their theories. Ancient calendars claimed the year was 360 days long so that each quarter would be a whole number. Oops. Jesus being a third of a hundred may relate to that tendency to make the world tidier than it is. 
Having been inside the great pyramid, I don’t remember any obvious 33 Hz resonance. But everything vibrates at some frequency. A quick websearch shows many resonant frequencies for the great pyramids, but none were 33 that I saw. But the fact that different frequencies have been recorded also makes this claim suspect. 
As for 33 cycles being the ONLY frequency to remove a digital fingerprint—has the OP tested every single other frequency, including non-wholes? Finally, our measurement of cycles is based on a human made time schema, not something hard baked into the universe. That doesn’t eliminate the possibility Of 33, just highlights a random, unnecessary feature of it.

To my ear, the first recording sounded better, btw   

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