LTA - Has Anyone Had First Hand Experiance?

Linear Tube Audio is offering up a couple of interesting "Bundles" and I was giving some consideration to this one:


Wondering if anyone else out there has gone this route and if so, are you happy with the system?

LTA also offers this bundle but it's more money and only offers an amp and speakers:


I can’t speak highly enough about LTA. David Berning’s designs are genius and Mark Schneider has brought them to another level not to mention bringing these amps more affordably to the masses. These are great guys to buy from. They stand behind their products and they have some great deals going on right now.
I don’t own Spatial speakers but I heard the combo at CAF and it was one of the best rooms at the show. The ZOTL40 and preamp make my Janszen hybrid electrostats sing like nothing I’ve ever heard before. 
Thanks dodgealum and facten.  I had discovered the positive feedback review. As with high-amp, I will source out dodgealum's review.

I may have to hope for a used pair to come available.  
The New Record Day YouTube channel is in the middle of a series on each of the components of a similar system. Probably not a surprise that the reviews are glowing, but you might get better detail on the aspects that really shine versus are just good or adequate. 
Thanks cat_doorman. I did pick-up on the NRD series and oddly enough Ron Brenay’s review of the LTA Z10 was far from glowing, which surprised me. Maybe the ZOLT Ultralinear integrated is the ticket, wondering if it sounds $2,750 better than the Z10 though?
I have the LTA Z10 integrates and Spatial Audio triode master speakers. 
The two combined are awesome. Everyone who has heard the combo, including my wife who couldn’t give less of a crap about audio sometimes, say it’s like everything between the musicians and you is stripped away. Super clear, clean, and dimensional. 
I’ve paired the Spatials with a Decware 6 watt amp and a Primaluna Dialogue Premium Integrated before. The decware has what I would call the traditional tube sound with tons of dimensionality and tube bloom which was super comforting and easy to listen to, but lacked dynamics and bass. Midrange was crazy good though. The Primaluna was good too, but needed high volume to really get the most and was not as affected by tube changes as the Decware. Not as much midrange magic and still light on bass. 
The LTA has a crystal clear sound that trades some midrange tube magic for unbelievable space definition (the sense or “realness” of music is uncanny), silent background (like no sound....the Primaluna and Decware added hiss and hum from the transformers), and the bass is all there.  The ten watts is a lot for my Spatials. I had to crank the Decware and Primaluna to halfway or more to get the same dynamics I get at 15 out of 100 on the LTA.

Beyond that, LTA service is superb. Always quick to answer questions and, when my power supply developed a hum, they instantly responded with a shipping label to send it back, assessed it and repaired it within 48 hrs, and had it back to me. No fuss. No fight. Everything with Primaluna was a battle, specifically Upscale Audio...they don’t give a crap about customer service once the sale is made. 
The LTA amp is un freaking real. My speakers are 95 dB sensitive and I think the ten watts are beyond capable for more. The Primaluna was putting out 22/38 watts depending on mode and the Decware was 6 watts. LTA outshines both with ten watts and the quietest and clearest background I’ve ever heard. And that extends to the headphone amp which is balls out crazy good. 
If I had to complain about anything it would be that it’s almost too clear. I’m trying to figure out a way to get some of the warmth back that the Decware has and tame some of the top end which my ears don’t enjoy as much as others. That’s a personal preference and no knock on the amp.