Lumin D2 or Aurender N100H

Both are discontinued 2015-2018 models and currently selling at a similar price ($1200) used.  Features wise: 

  1. - Digital output: BNC only for D2; USB 2.0 only for N100H
  2. - Power supply: 35VA external LPS for D2; 35VA internal LPS for N100H
  3. - Build-in SSD: None for D2; 2TB for N100H
  4. - Build-in DAC: Wolfson dac for D2; none for N100H
  5. ...

I'm less concerned about the differences in limited features and more curious about your preference or pick in terms of (1) sound quality, (2) app usability as a streamer and (3) should I be saving up (up to $2500) for newer models if the upgrade in sound is justifiable? I’d appreciate your thoughts, especially from those with experience using both.



Showing 1 response by audphile1

Go for the Aurender. Some of the reasons why…

Aurender is a streamer only unit that utilizes a fairly large caching area and that helps with getting the signal as clean as possible out to the DAC; it has a USB output which means it will rely mostly on the processing inside the DAC; it has a lot more user friendly UI (Lumin is horrible in this regard)

Lumin D2 is a streamer with built in DAC that is why it only has spdif out. If you only need a streamer then get the N150