Luxman D03X vs D10X


I have been seriously contemplating moving from Luxman D03X to Luxman D10X.. But before I do such a thing, I'd like to do thorough research and any help or advice from someone who have owned these or not, would be great. Here are some spec details. The D03X uses Texas Instruments PCM1795 DA chips with SNR of 123db and a sample max rate of 200Khz resolution of 32bits. The D10X employs ROHMs BD34301EKV DA chips with SNR of 130db and a sample maxx rate of 768Khz and resolution of 32bits. How much of audible difference would these make? also the D10X support SACD decoding.. thanks in advance..


I also have the D10X, and like rnrmf1971 I will keep it for the rest of my lifetime.

@rnrmf1971 @rpeluso thank you both..  Any first hand experience like that is so helpful. Could you both detail what is the rest of your gear are? I am typing this with a little nervous twitch and a hastened breath, as I nudge towards making the decision to swap out the D03X. I'll be calling my dealer this coming week. I felt the same jitters when I decided to swap out the Mcintosh 462 with the Luxman M10X. I can say, I have never been more happier having done that. The C900 preamp to replace the Mcintosh C53 was a easy decision. I am waiting on that unit to be delivered in June. But I had brought a demo unit from the dealer and I can't wait to get the one ordered.. Thanks again!!

I have a Constellation Audio Integrated coupled with the wonderful Perlisten S7t loudspeakers; also have a nice TT, but rarely use it.  I have a big open room and the music that is played here fills the space, no head-width sweet spot, its great in most places.  I bought all of these pieces other than the TT in the last 3-4 months, but have been buying great audio for more than 20 years.  I have two other systems set up, and enough to make a 4th, but this is the one I turn to when I want to revel in great music.  I have other Luxman players, including a D-06 and a D-05u, both are great, but this new one is a step up.  

@rpeluso Thanks for sharing.. I can only imaging how incredible your system must sound. it's funny, all the upgrades that I had been doing is in the last 6 -8 months are so.. Not sure what flipped in me, been on a tear and have to admit, it's a little frightening.. But I am enjoying doing the upgrade and fortunate to find a dealer for Luxman close to where I live. And they have been incredible in letting me take home gear to try them before I buy it. On the D10X, they do not have any on demo, but have them in stock. So I have to be serious if I decide to purchase it. I am driving Magico A3's that I got in the last few months and they pair well with the M10X. I also had a pair of Veracity STs recently built by Salk and delivered. Perlisten S7t look so intimidating :) and the Constellation Audio all I can say is, Wow!! I have decided not to go the TT route.. I have had my share of TT and Vinyl when I was a lot younger.. I would never say never.. For sometime now, since losing my parents in the recent past, I have started to feel, investing in something that I had been passionate as early as my teen years.. and appreciate it, for a  hopefully reasonable life of good health.. 

Check out Steve Guttenberg's review of the Luxman D10X. He said it was the best unit he had ever heard with the best DAC extant. 

Whether this the gospel truth or not I cannot say. But, Luxman are my favorite CD\SACD players today.