Lyngdorf RP-1 Room Correction Device, opinions pls

I am trying to find a room correction device that is user friendly, stand alone device connected via my tape loop out of my preamp, makes it easily defeatable.
I owned the Tact unit before and I really tried to understand operating it, but was beyond my ability.
So I am hoping to find something less complicated and does not cut into my listen time.
It appears to me that Lyngdorf RP-1 may be what I am looking for but there seems to be no local support except for a few dealers. I looked at the PARC unit, but again not sure.
I am kindly asking owners of the RP-1 what difference likely to be made, does it introduce considerable noise or loss of dynamics, artifical sounding etc.
What I mean is by fixing one problem and creating ten more.
Recommendations of similar devices is welcomed.
Thank you
I use a dbx Drive Rack PA as a crossover and EQ. It also contains a real time analyzer with room correction. I'm not certain it does what you want but you can get it from Amazon for about $400 with another $90 for the dbx matching mic. After that, all you need is a microphone cable long enough to run from the Drive Rack to your listening position. Also good to have a mic stand.

Check around as to how it suits your goals before buying but I think you will find pro gear is very good even if HP doesn't recommend it.
Audyssey also makes a room EQ unit that's "plug n play". The Lyngdorf attempts to "remove the room" and leave the sound of the speaker unchanged. The Audyssey shoots for correct total response, it EQs room and speaker to flat. The Audyssey is very good at what it does. You can demo a simplified version at most home theater dealers since Audyssey provides OEM modules to many large consumer electronics companies (Denon, Marantz, NAD, Onkyo/Integra, etc) for use in their AVRs. The Lyngdorf is very difficult to audition, because of limited distribution.

Neptune EQ also sells a product that uses lots of 1/3 octave bands instead of parametric EQ. Some folks have philosophical objections to this approach (theorically inadequate for correcting room nodes), but I haven't heard it so I can't comment.


Good Luck,

The Lyngdorf is a good unit. In my experience it made significant sonic improvements without changing the sound in any discernible way. That may sound like a contradiction but in my room it fixed some bass issues, and tightened the overall sound, without changing the sonic characteristics of what was there before. I didn't have a problem finding a setting that I think sounded great. In my system it was called "open air". You may also want to consider their preamp which has room perfect built in, has a high quality built in DAC and digital ins (for transports and servers), and allows bypass for room correction. It can be had very cheaply and is a bargain IMHO.
I use an RP1 and the improvement was quite significant. The system is very simple to set up. I wrote a review of it in the Dagogo May 2008 issue. I had no difficulty in finding settings that worked very well.
Rp1 does significant improvement and worth every penny w/o altering sound signature of your gears.