Lyra Delos or Transfiguration Axia or ?

Still trying to decide on a cartidge for my Basis 2200 Sig. w/Vector 4 arm. mostly Jazz. Thanks Greg
I'm not sure what your dilemma actually is. You're saying you have a great cartridge that you like but instead of enjoying it, you're asking us to tell you to go for something else? Hmmm...

The Delos is a fantastic cart. I understand upgrading as the system gradually improves, but upgrading for the sake of upgrading is just silly.
Actusreus....I do not have a cartridge as of yet. I ordered a Denon 103 and sold it a week later. I still have not received my TT. I am stuck in between starting with a enty level cart. vs a mid-level that is a better match with my setup.
Ooops, I read Theo's response as the original post. My apologies to the OP.

Yes, the Delos is a fantastic cart and if the numbers look right (resonant frequency for your tonearm/Delos combo), it's a no brainer. I have the Delos on my VPI Classic and listen almost exclusively to jazz and I cannot get over how good this cart is every time I lower the stylus onto the record. Simply amazing.
I agree wholeheartedly about the delos..I have been running mine in for about a's stunning-good. Light years ahead of the dynavector 17D3 I was using. I wonder how much better the kleos is - must...fight...upgrade...bug..