MAC Book Pro Computer vs Aurender N100h vs Aurender N10 Music Servers

I am considering replacing my MAC Book Pro Computer with the Aurender N100h music server. The N100h has received great reviews, has quality construction, provides Tidal support and offers the convenience of using an iPad. My local dealer "highly recommends" I consider the Aurender N10 music server OVER the Aurender N100h server. He feels the N10 would sound much better than my current MAC Book Pro Commuter or the N100h. He said the N100h would only be marginal better than my MAC Book Pro. To be honest, I was really considering the N100h because of its sound quality, construction and my budget.

However, based on the reviews, etc., I am sure the Aurender N10 sounds great but it costs $8,000 (expensive). I found one N100h review that said “ ….Not one single combination of Mac Mini & peripheral devices has so far bested the sound of Aurender’s N100H; a digital audio streamer/server that comes pre-loaded with: 1) audiophile-approved 120Gb solid state hard drive (for cached playback); 2) custom 35 Watt linear power supply; 3) low noise USB output. Check one, check two, check three”.

This is probably not a fair comparison since the N10 cost is $8k and the N100h cost is $3k. What are your comments about replacing my MAC Book Pro Computer with either the N10 or the N100h? Has anyone replaced their MAC Book Pro with one of these Aurender servers?

And, yes, I plan on visiting my local store shortly to hear both the N10 and the N100h. My current MAC Book Pro computer is connected to my Bricasti M1 DAC connected to my Hypex NCore NC400 Bridged mono blocks class D power amplifiers and my Sonus Faber Olympic II Speakers.   The 4 NC400 power amplifiers (2 amps per side) were modified (4 R141 chips removed) to match to the volume control in the Bricasti M1 DAC (running DAC direct to amp, no pre-amplifier).   Thanks.

It is a very easy process to transfer ripped albums from a USB flash drive to the Aurender.  Please see the link below for the detailed instructions including pictures:

In summary, I purchased several new albums and ripped them to a flash drive on my MAC Computer using iTunes and the AIFF Format.

Since iTunes DOES NOT include the cover art in the same folder, I searched for the album’s cover art using Amazon and copied the image to the desktop.  I changed the cover art name to Folder.JPG and copied it to the folder on the flash drive (less than one minute per album).   The cover art image MUST be named Folder.JPG so that it gets displayed on the Aurender iPad application.

I inserted the flash drive into my Aurender, followed the instructions listed above and all my albums were copied to my Aurender N10 Music Server perfectly.

@hgeifman I think you making your process way more painful than necessary. Is your Aurender connected to your network? You should be able to open Finder on your Mac and see the Aurender's drive as a device or drive (on the left side of the Finder window). When you download music, you should be able to select that drive as your destination location, resulting in the music being downloaded directly to the right place with just one step. Then if you get Yate or another Mac tag editing program you can open any album's folder and with one click add the artwork to all the track files. With another click you can save to folder.jpg too.
Flash drives shouldn't be needed at home! Cheers,

sbank, Yes, my Aurender is connected to my network.   Thank you very much for your above suggestions.  I will use your instructions the next time I add albums to my Aurender.
DIY Linux based music server would have iPad and Android support. $600 for a 2TB solution, minus the DAC.


I turned on my iPad and it failed to connect to my Aurender N10 Music Server. Something was wrong but I had no clue what it was.  I tired some things but nothing worked.

I contacted Aurender Customer Support and, after a few questions, he determined my Aurender N10 was turned off due to a power failure. This explains why the iPad could not connect to the Aurender N10.   

I turned it on, it booted up (this took several minutes) and my iPad now connects to the N10.   Everything is working fine.  I hope this information helps others that might have the same problem.

Aurender Customer Support is terrific and so are their products.