Your dealer might be thinking about the simplicity of an all-in-one computer, but you have to consider whether you really want a full-sized screen in your audio rack? The Mini is tiny in comparison and can run without a monitor. You'll need one to set it up, but it can run headless after that for everyday use. The "Remote" app on an iphone or itouch gives you full control of iTunes. Or, if you have a laptop, you can connect to it via Screen Sharing (VNC) using a web browser on a Mac; or TightVNC, UltraVNC or RealVNC if you're on Windows. The Mini is an amazing little device.
As a side note, if you have a flat panel tv in your audio room, you can connect the Mini to it and stream movies from Netflix, Hulu, etc. It adds an extra value to the situation if you've ever wanted that functionality.