Mach 1 Acoustics speakers

Hello all, I need some help valuing a set of speakers for a friend who's husband passed away. He left behind a few systems which I have been able to figure value from sales and reviews on the internet. His Main system consist of 2 VTL MB-450 mono blocks,AR LS25 preamp, AR PH3 Phono pre amp, Sony SCD1 disc player,VPI Aries turntable with JWM tonearm, and Mach 1 acoustics speakers with remote crossovers. I have to been able to find approximate values on everything except the Mach1 speakers. The only thing I found was a review from 2004 from an online review magazine. It seems that this small company from New Hampshire was short lived?? The speakers are model DM-10 Signature MK 2. Thx
