Maggie 1.6 - Best Amp? Thinking about tubes.

Shanling CDT -100
Siltech Classic interconnects
Kimber Bi-focal X cables
Richard Gray
Bryston 4B-SST
Run directly into Amp.
Female vocals, jazz, rock n roll
Ag insider logo xs@2xbrett11
Solid state for tube lovers? Perhaps a Pass Labs single ended amp or a Sunfire amp(those have two sets of outputs; one of them has a tubey flavor to it), these are worth checking out, if you don't want to a pair of room heaters. Sounds like the consensus is that a smaller tube amp won't get the job done.

The combination of the Maggie 1.6es and the Music Reference RM-200 is mightilty synergistic. A high-power tube-solid state design, the 200 offers the clear, vibrant portrayal of voices and instruments typical of tubes, combined with the unrestrained high frequencies and great bass extension often associated with solid-state. This combination sings!
Siliab, I like your suggestion. The RM-200 is a powerful beast. Good value, too.

Thanks to everyone for your responses and time. Looks like I have some more research to do.
Save yourself a fortune and get a luxmam r-117 receiver and use the cd bypass. Plenty of clean, smooth, tube like power and stable to 2 ohms!. If you don't listen to very loud rock/pop or orchestral music try a nakamichi sr-3 stasis receiver. These are out of production but can be found on Audiogon and Ebay. If you must have separates, these speakers really open up with lots of power. There are good reports using innersound amps and rogue tube amps. Good luck with your search..