Maggie owners -- Mye or Magna Riser stands

just thought i would poll the maggie owners on here, which are many, to see if you have either of these for your pair, and how/why you chose.

looks to me that the mye’s maintain stock height but are more substantial for stiffening the speaker and floor coupling, where as the magna-risers do less of that (but still better than the wimpy stock feet) but they do raise the speaker off the floor for a sonic benefit

would love to hear a discussion on the pros/cons of each (or third alternative, if there is one...) -- thanks in advance for any input

ps - i currently am enjoying a pair of 1.7i's but may move to 3.7i's

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Of course, the only way to know "for sure"  is for you to compare them in your system.  All else is conjecture.

I will say that I recently sold a pair of .7's with which I used MagnaRisers and then found a pair of MMGs which came with Mye stands.  I prefer the MMG's/Mye set up. One man's experience to be sure.

Of course YMMV.  Relativity at work.