Magico A3 vs. Wilson SabrinaX

Well, coming down the stretch, I can't find a on this forum comparing these 2 speakers. I listened to the SabrinaX, and found them "flat" somehow, hard to describe. Incredible definition and soundstage, but not much knack/dynamic. So, I'm wondering how they would compare to the Magico A3s that I haven't had a chance to listen to. I would be pairing these with a Pass XA25 which should be sufficient to drive them. Or is my "flat" experience simply unrealistic?

Showing 4 responses by mheinze

Plenty of Wilson Audio haters out there but every time I read their commentsI wonder if they actually had an opportunity to audition a properly set up pair, had they even owned a pair of Wilsons paired with proper electronics and room? In most cases the answer is probably no.

Funny, and you don’t think the same logic can be applied to Magico??
Lyngdorf integrated is a class D, room/signal correction integrated. The last amplifier you want to run an A3 on.
I have been running the A3 on Pass NT250 for a few years now. Nothing like what you are describing, and was not difficult to setup at all.


The Magicos are not capable of low bass extension.

Falses. The A3 extend just as low as the Subrina, and it is doing it in a much more linear way.

If you do this you hear the mids in greater detail.

False again. Learn the difference between elevated bass (Subrina - typical Wilson) and real extension (the A3 - typical Magico).
The A3 is a much better speaker, objectively (See reviews and measurements).
You, of course, can like what you like.

I’m not familiar with lyngdorf design but I can’t imagine it contributed to the sound that much

Sure thing, electronics don’t have anything to do with sound quality 🙄

Also, I don’t see any threads on any forums titled magico haters.
Do you? But here is Wilson Audio Haters thread

That a Wilson guy started. Maybe an ego thing, need reassurance?? However, you should read it. Nine pages of explanations, some are pretty convincing, thanks for sharing 🤣

If the reviews and measurements say it’s a better speaker than it must be true…

Obviously, I (and a couple of thousand others - so I heard) are experiencing the A3 utterly different than you. Neither of our opinion matters. However, if a set of measurements say it’s a better speaker, then yes, it is probably true...

Take care.

Thank you.