Magico A5 or Sonus faber SERAFINO TRADITION or Harbeth 40.3 XD

Looking at upgrading my speakers and I have no in home demo options.

I am looking at spending up to 25K.

Magico, Sonus faber, Harbeth are in the running.

I listen to  beatles, Dead, CSNY, Eagles.

I have a Mcintosh MC462, MC22 and a just ordered Berkeley Alpha Dac 3.  

I was leaning toward the Harbeth or SF but just read a great review on the MAgico A5.

Still working on buying a streamer to feed the system.

Looking for some thoughts.


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if you where looking for the Harbeth, you should put on your list the spendor Classic 100, they are really great speaker and very well spoken.

Both speakers (Mágico and Sonus) are great speakers. Speed is one of the things you get with the Magico, and for my taste I like very fast speakers, so I would go with the Mágico.


FWIW Sonus Faber is a wolly owned subsidiary of McIntosh Group which also owns McIntosh Labs. McIntosh labs procuces all of the McIntosh audio products. I have heard that the McIntosh speakers are made buy Sonus Faber or at least the high end models. 

My two cents: Brilliant choices! I recently sold my beloved Serafino's. For almost a year I was exploring Sonus Fabers line-up. I started with the Electa's then moved to the Olympica Nova V's, then to the Serafino's. The bottom line is : the magic really starts at the Serafino's with Sonus Faber. Unbelievable Soundstage, Pinpoint imaging, amazing midrange, but for me they had an Analog sound that I just didn't care for. I now own the Harbeth 40.3's and I'm 85% sure this is my forever speaker. Picky placement, lots of work dialing in, the best midrange EVER, a slight sparkle on the top end, bottom end is beautiful (when dialed in). 

Thanks for all of the great feedback.  I am going to try to get some dealer demos set up.  I am in western NY and may have to do some driving.

Sounds like the SF may be a safe choice base on looks and sound.  There is a local dealer but he does not have the Serafino in stock.

The Magico is an interesting option.  I will need to hear that one prior to purchase.

I will keep everyone posted.