Magnepan 3.6

Any comments on this combination : Single ended tube( 40W ) with MG3.6
Do they match?
It could work IF: The amp has great transformers and a strong power supply and you don't play the music much above 80db. Not all SET's are created equal.

I've heard 100 watt amps take a dump trying to drive my 3.6's. Even at lower levels it sounded anemic. My Bedini, at 45 watts, does fine. I also use an SET sometimes. It's an Art Audio Carissa Sig with 16 watts. It works great within its limits. Most people I have demoed my system for have preferred the Carissa to the others, of course, within its limits.
"i drive a pair of 1.6s with 4 watts."

Four watts? If so, you are not hearing what the speakers can do. You may like it. I would hate it.
hi narrod:

how do you know i'm not hearing what the speakers can do, if i am restricting the spl to 79 db ?

i don't listen loud even when i use my vtl deluxe 120s in terode mode , i.e., 120 watts.

i was not the only one who liked the 1.6s with 4 watts. i was the host of an audio meeting. 6 other members of a club liked what they heard as well.
Mrtennis, "how do you know"

If you like it, you like it. In my experience, the speakers respond to high current/high power that allows them to open up and sound their best. Whatever floats your boat. For my tastes, low wattage would only suffice for background music and involve no critical listening.