Magnepan LRS+ resistors on the tweeters… which?

I have a pair of LRS+ and after playing with the set-up positioning for a while I have finally found the spot where everything aspect of the sound is right apart from the treble: it is simply too high, and is tiresome after a couple of records.

But Magnepan knows it and fit a pair of sockets to allow the user to play with 10W resistors, ranged from 1 to 2 Ohm.

The resistors that come with the speakers are not the best and some users refer that they affect the sound too much.

So I wonder, what are the best resistors to fit in the LRS+ ?


@waytoomuchstuff, thanks for the suggestions, but like I say in my previous post, I just want to work on the stock LRS+. I am confident that I can get good results with the right:

- resistor

- speaker cable and amp

- in room positioning 

@daveteauk thanks for your input.

First about the Naim: I completely disagree. All components can be “bad sounding” if the synergy isn’t there in the first place, The Nac122x is a wonderful piece and must be used with the Flatcap 2x for the best results. One example of a mismatch: my Belles Soloist 1 integrated is wonderful with the Totem Model 1 speakers (another demanding speaker) and is completely wrong with the LRS+. Is is a cheap garbage piece? Absolutely not.
The Naim combo give me amazing results with the Totem, Kef LS50, Duevel Planets, Quad 11L and it is the most successful amp (in my lot) with the LRS+.

The 1,5 Ohm Mundorf resistor improved the treble significantly. Now I am readjusting the positioning…

Oh, and my dedicated listening room is professionally treated by Vicoustic.

@yyzsantabarbara I have been struggling with the stock stands (very annoying little things) so I have decided to design and built my own stands.

A layer os felt is between the speakers and the vertical plates and some felt round adhesive pads are on the feet.
The height is exactly what Magnepan suggests.

So no problem in this department, because the sound improvement is immediate… but I continue to find the treble output level too high for my taste.


yyzsantabarbra hit the nail on the head with getting Maggie’s off the floor with the magneriisers and their supplied jumpers. Vast improvement. They tune the risers for each speaker. Audiofilo123: Your right that the belles does get hot, but I have fans cooling it. I’m running the virtuoso which gives me plenty of current to drive my speakers. I have great imaging and sound stage. But like the other posts have been suggesting, please try to avoid using the resistors if all possible. Try a few different audio quest cables, type 9 + dbs or rocket 88 + dbs. I even upgraded my power cord to my streamer and am using xlr cables for additional clarity. Everything in the chain makes a difference with sound quality.

OP - as almost everyone is telling you - don't use the/any resitors. They kill transparency/detail and the 'life' of the music. Look elsewhere.

As almost everyone is telling you - the amp is VERY important with Maggies.

You may be a Naim fanboy, but they don't fit into your system with Maggies. I KNOW, I've tried. And the 122x IS garbage (and I was using the FC2x btw)! Lifeless, dull, congested etc etc, and doesn't belong in your system, IMO. And I would imaging anyone selling Maggies would agree, and steer you away from Naim. If your head is stuck into Naim, then there's no point going on with this conversation. If you must stay with Naim, I suggest different speakers. LRS+ are NOT toppy/bright, when driven and setup correctly. NAC A5 is no good for Maggies either.

You have come here for suggestions, but seem reluctant to listen.