First thing to check is whether the meter reads dead center when the tuner is completely unpowered. If not, the meter is defective. Next, the detector transformer sounds like it is way off. For lack of test equipment, if the meter does not still read dead center with no antenna connected at a no-station point on the dial, the slug on the top can of the detector transformer needs to be adjusted until it does. There are two silver cans near the front of the circuit board. The one on the left is the detector transformer. If you do not have a tuning tool, a small 1.2mm screw driver for fixing glasses will do, except the metal will slightly affect the tuning, so compensate. Also, you will see a control on the left side of the circuit board maked "Center." This is an adjustment for the mute. With the mute switch on, set the control so the tuner unmutes. This control may have to be adjusted after you touch up the detector. Also, make sure all three IF filters are firmly in there little three-pin sockets.
Don Scott
Don Scott