Mahavishnu fans only

Do you prefer the raw raw power of Inner Mounting Flame or the refined raw power of BIRDS?
The live From Nothingness To Eternity has become my go LP, though I love them all.
Limited experience but when I have listened I have been wowed.  Thank you for reminding me that I need to make a stronger effort to pick up their recordings.
I am more a fan (and a big fan) of the post-Mahavishnu through current, John McLaughlin work. 
They are both great but for personal reasons, Inner Mounting Flame. I was already a massive fan when it came out because of his earlier work with Miles which I love and it blew me away. IMF was a big step in his evolution while Birds Of Fire I think was more of an o credential change.  I also dig the quiet soulful virtuosity of My Goal’s Beyond — especially his cover of Goodbye Porkpie Hat. Plus, what can you say about his work with Miles? Finally, on a personal note, I saw him on his tour with Carlos Santana in the mid-70’s. I was sitting in row 9, way too close to this massive tower of speakers — I think I lost 2% of my hearing that night — but it was worth it! (The matter is provably a heretical thing to admit on an audiophile site!)