Majik enough power to drive Katans?

I am considering Katans to use with my Majik (currently have Kans), but I notice that they have a fairly low sensitivity rating. Has anyone used Katans with a Majik and was it powerful enough? My room is about 12' X 14'. Thanks
I ran my Majik with Ninkas for a while before adding a pair of LK85s, and it rocked. I was really worried and it was never a problem. My room is 24+ by 12 by 9, with an open kithen at one end and sunroom at the other, and I was always afraid the neighbors would lynch me.

The Katans should be no sweat.
I use my majik to run my Katans, have had this set-up for about a year now. I would like to try adding some more linn amps to see what kind of improvements I will get. I like my set-up right now, in about a 12 x 16 x 16 room and rarely get over 40 on the volume dial.
I have used my now retired Majik with Katans. Although the Katans are very tough to drive I had no problem filling my room (13' x 16'). The Majik sings up to about volume 45, but I never needed to go past 40 before I had my neighbours nocking on the door. ;)

By the way, the Katans are a wonderful pair of loudspeakers!!