Making speakers “disappear”…..

So I’m just setting up my new system and dial it in-

Benchmark AHB2

Benxhmark DAC 3

Totem1 speakers


all trial and error here but…..when you guys are dialing in speaker placement do you move them around, closer and further away until the sound doesn’t actually seem that it’s coming from the speakers? So far I’ve found that sitting in a “triangle” - equal distance from the listening position that the speakers are placed apart and so far so good - do you guys do this or have any tips for me on this?


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Takes a lot of time (unless you can get an assiatant) but it made a huge difference in my room. Lickily it's in my basement on a conctere floor, so I can mark the exact location and angle of each speaker and listening chair.


Good question. Good answers. FWIW I kinda get it about the direct sound and the first reflected wave. Probably took two months to make a set of spanky new Wharfdale Heritage Lintons disappear in a big asymmetrical 1924 bungalow bedroom, but it wasn’t horrible work, LOL

I did not initially see the post where you mention that the speakers are going on an 8 foot wall. You can place the Totems (on stands) 1 foot away from both the side and front walls but you will have to cover the side and front wall with acoustic tile from the corner to two feet in front of and to the side of the speakers, or three feet out from the corner. If you do not do this you will lose detail and your center image. On the bright side this placement will improve your bass. The other very important issue is that you want the listening position in the middle of the room, preferably the middle third but not dead center. You may also have to deaden the rear wall if the room is so small the latest reflections are still early. 

I find one really important issue is very accurate channel matching, and very similar overall response from each speaker at the listening position. This requires a high degree of room symmetry, at least at the speaker end of the room. Playing pink noise alternately through left and right speakers, the sound should seem identical. I can hardly ever get this to happen but fortunately it doesn't have to be perfect with real music to get a good soundstage. Distance to each ear is also very important.

 Getting the tone to a very fine and realistic balance also enhances the sense that the speakers cannot be the source of the sound.