Manley Chinook or Any comparable Preamp?

His Guys - I have a line on a Manley Chinook ....any users have good /bad experiences? Anything comparable better in that range? 

MY gear: 
Lyngdorf TDAI -2170
Tekton DI SE's 
Technics SL15 w P205CMK3 cartridge (might upgrade to new table soon) 

* Friend of mine is recommending Acoustic Signature WOW XL / TA 1000 Tone Arm

I would pop for the chinook. the last year I was trying out a number of phono stages in the 2k to 5k range. The chinook is really good with MC or MM.

takes a big jump if you rolll in some NOS valves for the 1st position.
I've been super happy with my Chinook.  I've also had Jolida JD9 and Musical Surroundings Phonomena Nova phono stages.  The Chinook is in another class, much quieter than the JD9 and more detailed and dynamic than either the Jolida or Phonomena.
Since you do have an opportunity on the Chinook, grab it.
I have spent some time with several popular tube units mentioned on Agon. The Chinookwill put your table/cart in a good light. As mentioned, you can also fine tune it by replacing just one of the 6DJ8's to personalize the sound. Power cord also, is another tweaky consideration.

2 other units that  that  are popular are the Herron and  Allnic. They show up now and then on Agon.
I noticed, having spent time with these nice units, it becomes hair splitting, with one or the other offering subtle nuance. Subjective-all "good" For me it then becomes, what does the most expensive unit offer, and is it REALLY worth it?
Yes , buddy of mine recommended Allnic ....I think I'll give the Chinook a whirl you guys are suggesting upgrading the tubes? Please deliberate ...thanks