Mapleshade boards under speakers

Anyone try these, either the finished or unfinished, 2 or 4", with isoblocks or brass feet?
My floors are soft yellow pine, and I've made overall improvements using a panel of birchply under them, wondering what the maple would do? He certainly makes great claims for them.

Has anybody ever used a Sistrum speaker stand atop a Mapleshade platform?

I've used Sistrum and loved the results under speakers, amp and for a rack. But I like the idea of raising the speakers a few inches for soundstage height.
Johnmcalpin, I use a sistrum stand on top of 4-inch Mapleshade amp stands. My room is carpet over concrete. Unfortunately, I also use a cheap 1 1/2 foot wood speaker stand on top of the sistrum, so I can only hint at what you might want as an answer. Also, this situation is fragile(speakers have been knocked over.). The sistrum tightened the bass and was slightly less warm than when the speakers's stands just sat on the Mapleshade. I didn't like it at first, but decided that the extra bass and precision might be worth it. I will have to change this for security purposes, and I might be interested in Mapleshade's Gibraltor speaker stands.
My floorstanders on maple platforms thinned out a bit too much for my tastes. I use bamboo cutting boards and am more satisfied with the midrange.
Good thread ... I tried an experiment the other day: I have (and love) a pair of Legacy Sig IIIs. I was using just the speaker spikes driven through the carpet into the wood (raised) floor. I had two 12"x12"x2" marble platforms that consist of two marble slabs sandwiched with dampening material between each slab. I set the slabs on the floor using four of those expensive German brass cones underneath. Then the speakers went on top of the marble slabs using the existing brass speaker spikes. The improvement in the highs and mids were really something ... the best I've had so far. BUT ... there was no bass foundation. I took the speakers back to where they were before and the mids and highs were veiled in comparison ... but the bass was back. So, as as result of this thread, I ordered two 18x15 maple boards from Maple Shade. We'll see what happens and I'll report back. Happy listening everyone.
+1 on the bamboo cutting boards.
There inexpencive at Lowe's and do wonders for speakers on carpet.