Marantz SA-11S1 Drawer Will Not Open Properly

Hello hope someone can steer me in the right direction or help. My Marantz CD/SACD player drawer will not open. It wants to as I can hear it trying to but the only way to open is to grab the drawer on both sides after hitting the open button and gently force or manually open it. What can cause this issue? Is it a software issue or something else possibly? I took the outer case off and looked in to see if anything was impeding or interfering with the drawer and couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.
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When you manually assist the opening, does it complete it's excursion on it's own and then close on it's own? Or do you have to pull it all the way open, and push it closed?
Also does it play the disc without any errors?

One thing you may try if you haven't is unplug the unit and press all the buttons on the face plate while it is unplugged. Then leave it unplugged for 30-40 minutes. This will eliminate any stored capacitance in it's memory and force it to return to it's factory defaults. If upon restarting the unit it continues to malfunction, then find a reputable repair center and have it further diagnosed. It could be a simple switch or a transport.
Theo it opens on its own when I manually assist and closes without any hitches. The disc also plays with no errors.

I will try to unplug and press all the buttons and see if that helps and try to report back this evening. Thank you very much.
I has something similar happen to me with an old Opera Consonance CD player. It turned out there was a bad batch of micro switches and it was easily replaced under warranty.

If not under warranty, it shouldn't be costly to fix.

All the best,
I have a SA-11S1 with a similar issue, drawer sticking. I put a little bit of graphite dry lube on the sides of the drawer, and that seems to help quite a bit.

Mine has the Ultimate Tube Mod by pcX, and is therefore very difficult to replace, it still sounds great. Since using the dry lube, I might have to hit the open button twice once in a while, but for the most part, I don't have to manually assist the drawer with opening anymore.

There is a cheap fix ($5!) for your problem, the same one I just dealt with. There is a plastic gear which makes the tray slide in and out. It wears with use and exposure to our polluted atmosphere. Look on ebay for a replacement, different versions for different transports. You can replace the gear yourself, or buy it off ebay and take it with your player to a tech.