Mark Levinson Amplifiers

Hi, I would like to hear from some of my fellow Audiogoners , what they know of , or have experienced with the Mark levinson, 333,335 or the 532H. I presently have a model 23.5 that I am Using with a Mcintosh C-27 Pre Amp, and A pair of Snell B minor speakers. I listen to R and B,Jazz,Classic Rock,Classical,latin, Gospel( traditional and new school, and some old school Rap.  I like the 23.5, but I would like some more power, Dynamics and bottom end. Thanks
hello to all: I'm immersing myself in your conversation because I'm looking for amplifier cards for my 20.0 mono blocks! indeed these ones have broken down, and I'm looking for others of course. If you allow me to submit this message to you of course and to pass it on to all Mark Levinson lovers.
I look forward to receiving a favorable response and send my best regards.
Look for a 335 that has been re capped. You will not run out of power and bottom end for sure.
Yes I've heard em. ML is hard to beat in terms of analytical dry and seemingly technically accurate sound. Very highly regarded in certain circles, though exactly why has always eluded me. If you really want more power, dynamics and bottom end however there's plenty of tube amps can do that, and for a whole lot less money. Try the cheapest 20 watt Raven. Your ML will be embarrassed. But your bank account will be impressed.